1. They don’t believe in racism.

According to many “New Blacks,” racism is a thing of the past, something that you can overcome by thinking positively and dating outside of your race. Black people who still bring up racism are whiners and complainers, opting to focus on the negative rather than the positives in society such as being able to eat alongside whites, sitting at the front of the bus and being able to rap/sing/act/play basketball for a living.


“The New Black doesn’t blame other races for our issues. The New Black dreams and realizes that it’s not a pigmentation; it’s a mentality. And it’s either going to work for you, or it’s going to work against you. And you’ve got to pick the side you’re gonna be on.” – Pharrell (King of New Blacks)


2. They hate being labeled.

Most “New Blacks” hate labels….well labels associated with blackness. They find identifying with labels such as “African-American” or “Black American,” to be a negative, as “American” is a much proper and accepted term. New Blackians have found a way to erase racism in one swoop by disassociating with anything labeling them as “black.” This in turn has allowed people to rebuke their previous prejudices about black people.


“I’m tired of being labeled. I’m not an African American, I’m an American.” – Raven-Symone


3. They are more enlightened than you.

New Blackians aren’t your typical person of color, they have thoughts and dreams that are beyond anything your little African-American, Black mind can comprehend. They are better than the average black with good hair and an open mind. Instead of discussing white supremacy and all that comes with it, they challenge you to think about “Black on Black crime,” and “Being a slave to Jordans.” If we can solve those big issues than there is no need to worry about racists, our community will prosper regardless of the system.


“There are certain people who allow the delusion in the mirror, in their own mirrors, to become issues…I recognize that there are issues. We get judged on our skin…I don’t allow that to run my life.” – Pharrell (King of New Blacks)


4. They go above and beyond to make white people comfortable.

Freshly ironed capes fly when the big bad blacks are “attacking” whites or making exclusive spaces to celebrate themselves. New Blackians feel that instead of asking for whites to be more inclusive, we need to take the first step and get rid of silly notions like “Black Lives Matter” or “Black Girls Rock.” All people matter and all girls rock! By creating these barriers between ourselves we are not helping white people to become more comfortable to accept black people in their lives. We need to let go of the notion of flaunting and celebrating our culture in white people’s faces and instead allow them to enter our spaces and contribute to them.


“We think all white people who do our shit…gotta kiss our ass or we don’t like em!!! “Dey shady!!!” (Lol No pun intended) But me knowing U,Eminem,and a handful of other…(just so happen to be) white people who were inspired by our culture allowed ME TO SEE, that not all white people out to steal our culture..” – Clifford “TIP” Harris


5.  They come down on black people and black culture.

According to New Blacks, if we did “better” and behaved better in the public eye, we wouldn’t be oppressed. By listening to gangsta rap music, wearing weave and saying the N-word, we are giving fanatical whites all the reason to hate us. If we were more intelligent and friendly than the world would absolutely be more open to us and our culture. They believe that other black people are only accepting of the thug or idiot image that often plays out in the media, therefore essentially it is our fault that we at the bottom of the totem pole.


“We as black people are never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you are black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people,” – Charles Barkley



As the “New Black” phenomenon continues, do you feel that they have a point to their beliefs and how do you think this will trickle down to the real issues at hand?