“It’s not like it’s not a priority for us… It will happen. I’m sure it will happen.” Said Lorne Michaels, founding producer of SNL. That was his response when asked about the ongoing criticism of his show’s lack of a black female cast member by the Associated Press.

The piece notes Michaels’ emphasis on cast members having sketch comedy experience, differentiating that from stand-up comedy, adding that each new cast member must be seasoned, so that they “won’t be overwhelmed by the pace and attention.”

“You don’t do anyone a favor if they’re not ready,” he said.

I guess it’s safe to say the black female actresses that have auditioned weren’t ready? Uh… interesting I suppose. But I HIGHLY doubt thats the case. I haven’t watched SNL in…well I’m not sure when the last time I saw it was, but I guess we have to “wait” it out and see when the show will get a black female cast member.

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