I found this great website here.  http://www.nalip.org/ This is what it’s all about.

“The National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) is a national membership organization that addresses the professional needs of Latino/Latina independent producers. NALIP is the first such effort aimed at Latino production in thirty years, and it is the first to last more than one year and to provide ongoing support for the Latino independent film and video makers. We stand as the premiere Latino media organization, addressing for twelve years the most underrepresented and the largest ethnic minority in the country.”

Isn’t that fantastic? I love to find things like this. Not too long ago I posted up a post about Latino Oscar winners over the years and it amazed me how many people didn’t have knowledge of any of those wins. That’s okay though. I’m glad to discover something a lot of people don’t know about. It’s always important to spread the word and inform others. It can really lead you into amazing opportunities like this one. This is an amazing organization. They have programs, newsletters, resources. Check it out!