“WE DEMAND JUSTICE FOR RENISHA MCBRIDE” is a short film by Dream Hampton that follows the killing of Renisha McBride. Renisha McBride was shot in the face after seeking help in a predominately white neighborhood after a car accident. I encourage everyone to watch this powerful film. It’s short yet very insightful. It touches a bit on the segregation in Detroit along with the lack of justice for Renisha.
I literally cried knowing that the man who KILLED this young teenage black girl is at home and we have yet to know who he is. No arrests have been made and like a young woman said in the film “If my son kills somebody he would be put under the jail.” Those words couldn’t ring anymore true. I am deeply saddened by this. I feel the only reason this young lady was killed was because she was black.
You can watch the film below.
Great job Dream Hampton at capturing the hurt and the anger by those affected by this outrages and sickening crime. Somebody is finally taking stand and we’re going to be right there with you.