Lady filmmakers you might be interested in this. Women In Film applications for their Finishing Fund is now available! Read below!

Women in Film is currently accepting applications for its Film Finishing Fund. 

Projects that are by, for, or about women that have completed 90% of principal photography and have a rough cut on hand are eligible to receive up to $15,000 in cash, in-kind, and/or consultation grants. This year’s applications will be received until June 6 and the winners announced in October 2014. 

Since its founding nearly 30 years ago, WIF’s Finishing Fund has awarded more than $2 million worth of grants to over 170 films. Previous winners include 

–Cynthia Wade’s Freeheld, the 2008 Academy Award-winner for Best Documentary Short Subject

–Freida Lee Mock’s Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision, the 1994 Academy Award-winner for Best Documentary

–Esther Robinson’s A Walk Into The Sea: Danny Williams and the Warhol Factory, 2007 Teddy Award Winner at the Berlin Film Festival

–Maryam Keshavarz’s Circumstance, the 2011 Sundance Audience Award winner


Sounds awesome huh? So don’t wait to apply. Get your stuff out there ladies! Here is the website Good luck!