Film; to me, should be able to throw you into a whole different reality. They bring you to a place where you have no worries of the real world you live in.
 Film; To me, has of course a good story line and great visuals, but what sells me are the characters. 
When I watch a film, I want to be able to feel something for the characters, whether it be love or hate. I want to care if they die or get their hearts broken or even the possibility of actually achieving happiness. 
That’s my goal when I write, I want my characters to be relatable, and while watching one of my films I want you to either think or say “oh my god that’s so me”. I want to be able to persuade you to love a character when in all reality you’re supposed to hate them. 
If i have that axe murderer I want you to understand why he’s killing people. 
To me; great characters can make any story line or any film good one.