We all have those thoughts or certain occurrences that take us back to a happy period in our lives. That feeling is the BEST feeling in the world. You get that exact same pleasure you got all that time ago and its so refreshing.

Today I decided to watch “Moonwalker”,a film by Michael Jackson. Its one of my favorite musical films and it’s been a while since I’ve actually sat and watched it in full. I remember as a kid my Mother’s sorority sister  found out I was a Michael Jackson fanatic and she brought me the “Moonwalker” VHS. It was and still is such a magical experience.

Outside of the special effects there was always a portion of the film that stuck with me. It’s the intro to the film. You see Michael in concert giving a powerhouse performance of “Man In The Mirror” and every time I watch this particular performance it takes me back to Milwaukee,WI in 1993 (a year after becoming an MJ fanatic) and I get that same warm feeling my then 3 year old self got when I first watched it. It’s my happy place…my zen garden.

Enjoy it, I’ve been loving it for over 20years now.


