Last night I had a very peculiar dream. I was on top of a peak or mountain, which I don’t know why because I am scared of heights, like TERRIFIED. I have no idea where it was, it just looked beautiful despite the gray clouds. It seemed like a misty and gloomy day too.I don’t remember how I got there, if I climbed, teleported, lord knows…but I was up there and felt a mighty presence come over me. I felt like a King. Yes a KING, not a Queen. It’s weird to feel emotions in dreams as if it’s actually happening. Like you are really there and this is your real life… I like to interpret dreams. I dream so much that I think to myself  “how can it not mean something?”. There were a few figures behind me that I also don’t remember. My only guess is that I didn’t make it to the top by myself.  My first thought was okay I succeeded up the mountain, now what? Also what comes of it? I think that’s how I feel about success sometimes.  I don’t think it matters how I approached reaching new heights as long it’s honorable and I’m happy. I also am not the type of person to think success has to be done on my own. I like to think people put on a front like “Oh I got here ALL ON MY OWN, don’t need NOBODY. ME ME ME~“. It’s much easier to be in awe of someone who reaches goals on their own right? Eh. I’m not easily impressed by that. I like support and knowing there are few people who had my back even if its less than a handful. Perhaps the figures around me where my teammates, Melissa and Travis. We been in The Cynical Owl journey since Day 1 and I certainly wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for them. Maybe my mom was there too. She is the reason why I try so hard in life to progress and make a better environment for myself. Whoever was in my dream they helped me make it there. My second thought is that this dream can be future. Maybe things aren’t flowers and rainbows at the moment in my personal life but that’s temporary. I’m still in the process of climbing. Join me or meet me at the top.