[PHOTO OF THE DAY] Love Knows No Bounds.

As a guy who LOVES LOVE, this photo touched my heart. Love seriously knows no boundaries. From the beginning of time PEOPLE thought whites couldn’t love/marry blacks, people of different religions couldn’t love/marry, people of the same sex couldn’t love/marry, and countless other objections on what love is supposed to be because it was all deemed wrong.
But love conquers all. No matter what people say or believe you can’t help who you fall in love with and no man/woman can put a stop to the way someone else feels about another person. Hell even you yourself can’t stop yourself from loving someone. (You know i’m right, we have all had some feeling toward someone knowing damn well we shouldn’t because they were no good, but we couldn’t help the way we felt about them)
But congrats to these beautiful ebony beauties on letting their love conquer.