09/29/2013. It’s 9:21 pm here in Arizona and the house is still and quiet…dead quiet. I just finished watching “Insidious 2” and I’m seriously afraid to get up and go piss. I’ve been holding it for almost two hours and it feels as if I’m going to explode. The film creeped me out and now my spirit is bothered.

Not only is it dark and not only do I have to piss…but I can literally hear every little sound the house is making (thats how dead quiet it is). It’s like the darkness is warning me about something and quite frankly I aint trying to hear it. To some i’m being a bitch but to those who have seen either of the Insidious films you know exactly what I’m going through.

So what is it about fear thats so addicting? Why  do we seek things that we know are going to fuck with us? For me personally, it’s an adrenaline rush. I love seeking out something that gets my heart racing and my blood pumping. I know damn well certain things scare me but yet I continue to watch them or do them. It’s a thrill for me.

And thats exactly why my ass is sitting on the couch in the dark afraid to move now. I just want to pee and go to my room and sleep….but my thrill seeking just won’t allow that.
