[BLOG] Art Lovers, I Need Your Help!

I suck at painting. I suck at drawing. I suck at any type of art that isn’t digital. I do admire art though. The Cynical Owl follows a lot of art blogs on our Tumblr account and one of my favorite blogs is http://blkwomenart.com/ . There are so many beautiful pieces in that blog and it’s just truly amazing the time people take out to paint or sketch a piece. The stories behind each piece is what makes me so interested in finding some art galleries downtown. As a writer, by seeing visual pieces with a story I get more inspired with my writing. Something just clicks inside my head like and all these ideas spew out. I would love also to meet more creative individuals to get inspired.
Part of my New Year’s Resolution is to explore more places that embrace art and culture. Sure, I can look up some on Google but I personally believe that as a New Yorker there are just so many better places that are unknown that I might get more out of that an advertised place. That’s when you guys come in, help me find these places. I want to appreciate and learn.
Email me at cynthiaccortes@gmail.com if you know any good places in either of the boroughs.
Also if you can tell me the artist who made the piece of above I would love to give credit. I found that pic on Tumblr with no source. Thank you!