[BLOG] [PERSONAL] Rest In Power, Beautiful Soul.

Some people enter our lives and leave such an impression that you wonder if they know the power they possess in their words and actions. Most of the time, they don’t. They aren’t kind because they want gratitude or because they want a favor down the line. They don’t fill you with encouraging words because they have something to gain from it. They don’t make you feel special and try to shrink that light in their own specialness. They are beautiful souls because it’s just who they are.
I had the extraordinary pleasure of meeting one of these beautiful souls two years ago.
One of the many dramas I experienced in 2012, the most annoying one, was this very blog. Cindy and I had been working on it for months and it was just a complete hot mess. We were both new to WordPress (me more than her) and we just could not get rid of this big ass black box that seemed to eat the entire blog. I don’t know where it came from, but it wouldn’t go away. We tried making it invisible, even deleting the blog and starting again – it was still there!
We were sitting in Cindy’s dining room, at the table, both with our heads up our asses because their seemed to be no end to this black box. I slammed my laptop close and was ready to quit when I felt two hands on my shoulder. It was her mom, Lu. We both vented our frustrations and ambitions with the blog, she just smiled. She saw how passionate we were about kickstarting the company and gave us some words of encouragement that I’ll never forget. Lu explained how proud she was that we were trying to make something of ourselves, that the passionate we had was the right amount to be successful and the trouble we were having only meant that we were on the right path.
It was one of the many moments, Lu swooped in with some words that gave me the fuel to push past whatever difficulty was going on. I wasn’t her daughter, she didn’t have to be so nurturing, but she was – always. For that I’m forever grateful to her.
A goodbye always feels like I’m closing the door to something so I don’t want to say that. It’s thank you for being such a wonderful human being and raising an equally wonderful daughter.
I’ll see you later, beautiful soul. Rest In Power, Lu.