I’ve purposely stayed away from the Dunn trial because of how affected I was after the Trayvon Martin case. I followed that case so closely and even though I knew what would be the outcome my heart was ripped out when it actually came to be. I’m numbed from that roller coaster of emotion and it only leaves me feeling completely helpless to a system that is hell bent on the destruction of me and brothers and sisters.

How do we fight back against this large system? What are the steps to this process? How do we get our voices heard?

Even in my own field, we’re not wanted. Our stories don’t matter. Our filmmakers don’t matter. Our actors don’t matter. I eat enough shit daily so I can save enough to make the next film. I’m actively writing, editing, doing whatever I can to tell these stories, but is that enough? I think of how we can matter to an industry that is convincing us that we’re ugly and unwanted.

My frustrations amount every time a case like this comes up and they’re becoming more frequent. The racists are coming out in the droves, in company tweets, ads, public figures…etc.

What do we do? How can we mobilize and how can we make this fight louder, harder?

I’m opening the floor to you guys.

I’m sick AND tired of being motherfucking sick and tired.
